Athletic Participation Registration
In order to participate in any sport at Los Alamos Public Schools, all athletes must complete the following items prior to participation in practices and competitions. ALL paperwork will be submitted electronically via RankOne Sport (more information below) - hard copies will not be accepted.
If you have already completed your RankOne Athletics Registration and uploaded your documents for this school year, thank you! Please see step 3 below.
1. Athletics Registration (separate from school registration)
a. Already have a RankOne Parent Account?
i. Go to :
ii. Click on red “Parents Click Here” button at top of the page
iii. Click on “Online Forms” (top left box)
iv. Click on “New Mexico”
v. Click on “Los Alamos Public Schools”
vi. Review instructions and then click on the “Proceed to Online Forms” button
vii. Log in to your account and follow prompts from there.
b. Don’t have an account?
i. Follow steps i-vi above
ii. Click on the “New to RankOne? Create New Account” button and follow the prompts
*You can choose to not set-up an account; however it is recommended to do so.
iii. Once you have created your account, you will need your athlete’s last name and LAPS Student ID# to complete the Registration process. The Athletics office will be able to see when your athlete’s registration has been submitted. Nothing needs to be printed or sent in by you when you complete this step/process.
iv. Medical Examination (completed on or after April 1st); Forms are available on RankOne Sport
c. Pages 1-3 are completed by parent/guardian & athlete
d. Pages 4-5 are completed by health care professional
e. Once completed, upload all 6 pages - including signed Consent to Treat form - to the athlete's RankOne Sport profile.
2. NFHS Concussion for Students online course
a. Must be completed once every school year on or after April 1st
c. Upload certificate to the athlete’s RankOne Sport profile
3. Registration complete. Once you have completed all items, please allow up to 3 business days for your forms to be reviewed and accepted. If a form is not accepted, you will be notified via email. Once all forms have been accepted, you will see that the athlete is now marked "green" or eligible. Athletes are ineligible to practice until all forms are accepted. Please note that academic eligibility is separate from RankOne Sports - even if you are "eligible" in RankOne Sports, you may not be academically eligible to compete.
If you have any questions, contact: the LAHS Athletics department at 505-663-2531 or email the Athletics Department at: