Website Updates
Salvador Zapien
Update: we now have access to upload our staff directories to the site and will begin doing so over the next week. Thank you for your patience. -sz
Salvador Zapien
We've added a link on the District Athletics page and the LAHS Athletics page to buy tickets to sporting events. Click on either page to get started. -sz
Salvador Zapien
Salvador Zapien
The biggest request we're getting right now is for a staff directory. We are working with our webhost to automate the creation of the directory and hope to have an update in the coming days. We don't want to have to create pages from scratch if we can do a bulk upload of our staff from PowerSchool. Keep checking back for more info.
Salvador Zapien
One of the more frequent requests has been for an easy way to find the bell schedules for the middle and high schools. We've put the various schedules on their respective Families & Students pages: